
stewardship (n): a way of life that embodies the responsible management of God’s resources

At WPUMC, we work to practice stewardship as individuals and a community. We embrace generosity. We know it changes lives – ours and the people we’re reaching.

The blessings of technology allow us to leave our check books at home and simply give online. Most banks will allow you to set up automatic payments to the church, which we highly encourage! You can also give right here through PayPal.donate

There are many ways we can responsibly manage God’s resources and support our local church!
If you shop on Amazon be sure to click on our AmazonSmile link:
Bookmark this link so every time you shop a percentage of what you buy will be given back to the church!

We also participate in the Maine’s Give Back program. If you shop at Maine’s Food & Party Warehouse, simply sign up for a Give Back card at the link above or at church and use it every time you shop. Maine’s donates back 5% of everything purchased when we swipe our Give Back cards! Sign up today!

We strive to practice what the Bible teaches is a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.
Pray for guidance and give as you’re led to give!